Streaming films can be accessed two ways:
1. Fill out the streaming request form here.
2. If you receive an email saying that this film is not in Panopto, then we'll work on licensing the film elsewhere. You'll receive a link to the film once the purchase has been made, and you'll be able to add the link to Canvas.
3. If the film is in Panopto, you'll need to set up your Panopto e-reserve folder under the Panopto tab.
4. Once the film has been made available in Panopto, you'll receive a confirmation. The film will appear in the e-reserve subfolder under your Panopto tab in Canvas. This subfolder will be a small button with the course number. If you have trouble finding this subfolder, e-mail Note: Media will only be available once a semester for 7 consecutive days through Canvas based on the dates you specified in the form.
Streaming Panopto videos through Canvas acts as an extension of the classroom to provide access to required course materials in support of the academic mission of The University of Baltimore. This service is provided upon instructor request, within the bounds of the Fair Use guidelines of Title 17, United States Code.
The Federal Copyright Law sets strict limits on the distribution of copyrighted media materials. The University of Baltimore encourages the appropriate use of commercial media material within the spirit and letter of the law. The law exists to promote the useful arts and sciences as well as to protect the ownership rights of copyright holders. The University seeks a balance between higher education's need to easily access and use information, and the rights of the owners.
A. Who makes decisions
The Reserves Coordinator will make initial determinations in regards to the appropriate use of media materials.
B. Appeals of decisions
If a streaming media request has been denied and the party wishes to resubmit the request for appeal, those requests will be sent to the Head of Access Services.
Fair use allows the public to make limited uses of copyrighted works without permission. These rights are limited. It is important to know that there are no precise rules, only “guidelines”.
The factors that comprise fair use are:
1. The purpose and character of the use. (commercial or non-profit educational)
2. The nature of the copyrighted work. (Fiction or factual, published or unpublished)
3. The amount and substantiality of the work used.
4. The effect of the use on the value of or market for the original work.
The library will regard digital files required for a course as similar to printed materials used for reserve. All aspects of Fair Use will be considered. In addition limited use will be established.
Robert L. Bogomolny Library’s suggested guideline would allow the streaming of copyright protected material for 7 full days, once during a single semester.
After the digital file has been archived from the streaming service, a physical copy of the material may be placed on traditional, in-library use reserve.
Faculty-produced instructional media such as video blogs, lectures, and class created projects may be uploaded and streamed via the system directly within Canvas without engaging in the media review process.
A. Lead time
Streaming media requests will have to be reviewed for fair use and copyright clearance; therefore, the library asks that such requests be submitted well in advance of the date needed for student use. The amount of time it takes to process a streaming media request will be affected by whether RLB has a digital copy, or the film will need to be streamed elsewhere. Please allow five business days for processing.
B. Notice of copyright
Media items that are protected by copyright, regardless of fair use or copyright clearance, must include a copyright notice on the digitized file.
A. Any further transmission or distribution of this material violates copyright laws.
B. Access to all digital streaming media files will be restricted to students in your class to ensure compliance with the fair use and the U.S. Copyright Law. Students in your class will be authenticated through Sakai and university authentication.
C. Faculty will be limited to using the service for REQUIRED media, not for recommended or suggested media.
D. Students can access electronic reserve items through Sakai 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
E. Items previously submitted for use on the streaming media system may be requested by a faculty member to be activated for use in a new semester. Original copies need not be provided. Faculty should consider carefully the fair use of material posted for repeated use, considering potential detrimental effect on the marketplace.
The TEACH Act covers works an instructor would show or play such as movie or music clips, images of artworks in an art history class, or a poetry reading. It does not cover “recommended” materials an instructor may want students to study, read, listen to or watch on their own time. Instructors will have to rely on other rights they may have to post those materials.