Copying Previous Course Items
You'll be able to pick and choose what you'd like to copy over from a previous course. If you don't see your items, or if you'd like to copy readings used by another course or professor, contact
*PLEASE NOTE* Canvas and Course Reserves don't seem to function well with a Safari browser. If you get an error message while attempting to copy or add course reserves, try using a Chrome or Firefox browser.
1. Click “Course Reserves” tab. Choose the current semester from the dropdown menu.

2. Under "Item Tools," click "Add Reserve Items."

3. Find the class you want to copy from, and click “Import Items.”

4. All of the readings are automatically selected, but you can choose which readings you don’t want to copy by unchecking the box on the left side. Keep in mind that if you leave all of the readings checked, they will all copy over. Click "Import Items" at the bottom. Once you’ve imported everything, it’ll take about 10 minutes to become available in your course.