What is information literacy?
Information literacy is the ability to think critically about the discovery, use, and creation of information as both producers and consumers.
What is the information literacy program?
Students at the University of Baltimore arrive with a variety of experiences and skill levels. The information literacy program is designed to meet their needs at multiple points in the curriculum.
Learn more about the information literacy program at UB.
How do I schedule a library instruction session?
Faculty may request library instruction by completing the form below, or by speaking to a librarian liaison. Students can request one-on-one or group appointments by contacting a librarian or the reference desk.
This module covers the importance of teaching information literacy skills, how to design meaningful assignments that incorporate information literacy, and how to incorporate Credo information literacy modules in your classroom.
If you have any additional questions about the modules or the information literacy program at UB, please contact a UB Library reference librarian.