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Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Use this guide to locate information about small businesses and local businesses

Small Business vs. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship and small business are often used interchangeably and you will find many resources in this guide may be appropriate for both.

However, a small business is defined by size standards set by the U.S. Government. Size standards are measured either by dollars or number of employees. (See the Table of Small Business Standards Matched to North American Industry Classification Codes provided by theU.S. Small Business Administration.)

An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business or rejuvenates an existing business. They may start out as a small business owner, but many entrepreneurs aspire to take their organization to the highest level, and are usually defined by attributes such as creativity, initiative, risk taking and autonomy. (Business: The ultimate resource, 2nd edition (2006). Cambridge, MA: Basic Books.)

General Small Business and Entrepreneurship Resources